
发布者:威廉希尔体育官方网站 发布时间:2024-10-17 浏览次数:352





1. 国内外核心期刊论文

(1) Jiang, Z., Wu, Y. & Tsung, L. 2020. National Research Funding for Sustainable Growth in Translation Studies as an Academic Discipline in China. Sustainability, Vol.12, Iss.18. doi:10.3390/su12187241. [SSCI]

(2) Wu, Y. & Jiang, Z.corresponding author 2021. Educating a Multilingual Workforce in Chinese universities: Employability of Master of Translation and Interpreting Graduates. Círculo De Lingüística Aplicada a La Comunicación, 86: 1-15. doi.org/10.5209/clac.75491. [SSCI, A&HCI]

(3) 吴赟, 姜智威. 2021. 公共外交视域下中国对外翻译的历时考察. 上海翻译, 157: 25-29+51. [CSSCI]

(4) 吴赟, 姜智威. 2021. 从张炜小说英译看作家资本对文学译介的介入. 复旦外国语言文学论丛, 2021 春季号: 139-145. [CSSCI ]

2. 专著章节

第六章第一节: 诺贝尔文学奖情结与莫言小说英译. 载于吴赟. 2021. 改革开放以来中国当代小说英译研究, 杭州: 浙江大学出版社, 165-177.


姜智威, 马雪芳, 吴紫嫣. 2020. 赤子侨心|马须海: 一生沐浴着祖国的恩泽. 学习强国上学习平台. 2020-04-13.

4. 国际会议发言

Jiang, Z. 2019. Chinese Literature in the Construction of the World Literary System in a Globalized Context: A Case Study of Translation and Canonization of Mo Yan’s Novels. The 1st CRECEA (Center for Research in Education in China and East Asia) Research Postgraduate Student Symposium, Bath: University of Bath, UK.